Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Annual Bryn-Mawr Wellesley Book Sale

We took the two biggies to the kick-off of the annual Bryn-Mawr Wellesley Book Sale at the Princeton Day School. This is an amazing week-long book event that we were introduced to several years ago when we lived in Princeton. There are a whopping 60,000 books for sale and literally mountains of childrens' book -- most for 50 cents or a $1 each. It is such a great deal. We took the two big kids (ages 5 and 7) -- their second time attending. Each kid was given a big cardboard box to bill with books for the year ahead (mom and dad did an approval screening at the end, eliminating just a handful of books that weren't age appropriate).

It was wonderful to watch the kids thumb through boxes and boxes of books for three hours, sit on the floor under tables investigating more piles, and shout out "Mom, Mom, look at this one! I realllllly want this one" or "Doesn't this look interesting." As I hunted alongside them, I passed along possible "books of interest" and Ella would reply "Let me read the back [summary] and see if it sounds interesting." Love it. They are brook browsers and they are forming their own tastes for reading. We stumbled upon a number of new series (we will be posting a list of these in a special Friday Finds later this week) we are eager to read. Despite the snow and the early morning wake up time to get there, it was a super fun day.

One of the rooms of books at the annual
Bryn-Mawr Wellesley Book Sale (2013)

The kids head to the check out and watch the tally for
their books grow and grow and grow and grow...

Showcasing the kids' loot. Not sure we will be using
the dining room table for a while.